Definition of Acids and Bases

Concept Explanation

Definition of Acids and Bases

In our day to day life we come across various materials both elements and compounds with different characteristics. Some of them are sour in taste, some are salty and others are bitter in taste. On the basis of their properties they can be classified as acids, bases and salt. They have certain definite properties which distinguish these compounds from each other. For example acids are different than the bases and salts. Most of digestive fluids of humans and animals contain acids and are sour in taste. The bitter taste of substances like bitter gourd, cucumber etc is due to the presence of base in them.

Acids: Acids are those chemical substances which are sour in taste.

The term ‘acid’ has been derived from a Latin word acidus, meaning sour. For example, lemon juice, tomato, vinegar, etc., all taste sour. Some common fruits such as oranges, raw mango are sour in taste. This means that they have acids present in them. Acids turn blue litmus red.  Aqueous solutions of acids conduct electricity and react with bases to form salts and water. An acid may be defined as a compound which contains hydrogen (H^+)that can be replaced partially or wholly by a metal or a group of elements acting like a

Bases: Bases are substances that are soapy to touch and bitter in taste.

And turn red litmus blue. A base is a substance, usually the oxide or the hydroxide of a metal, which can react with an acid to produce salt and water. Base is a compound, which on dissolving in water yields hydroxyl ion (OH^-) as the only negative ion.

Sample Questions
(More Questions for each concept available in Login)
Question : 1

An acid may be defined as a compound which contains ___________________________ that can be replaced partially or wholly by a metal.

Right Option : C
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Question : 2

Which of the following are correct :

(a) Bases are substances that are soapy to touch and bitter in taste.

(b) Acids are those chemical substances which are sour in taste.

Right Option : C
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Question : 3

Which of the following are correct :

(a) On the basis of their properties the materials can be classified as acids, bases and salt.

(b) The bitter taste of substances like bitter gourd, cucumber etc is due to the presence of base in them.

Right Option : C
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